Canada_Tame Impala | STASH MAGAZINE

Sexy and Surreal: Tame Impala “The Less I Know The Better”

Directing collective CANADA mix live action, hand-drawn animation and VFX, into a riveting hormonal cocktail for Tame Impala’s latest single “The Less I Know The Better” thru Universal Music Australia. [Watch]

Yeretsky_StoryCorps | STASH MAGAZINE

StoryCorps “The Great Thanksgiving Listen”

StoryCorps’ mission to “record, share and preserve the stories of our lives” gains momentum this holiday with the release of their app (iOS and Android) designed to help us all make history by interviewing a grandparent or other elder for the Great Thanksgiving Listen. [Watch]

Duffy_Einstein 100 | STASH MAGAZINE

Dr. Who Explains Einstein’s theory of General Relativity

Thanks to this snappy animated short by director Eoin Duffy, writer/producer Jamie E. Lochhead and astrophysicist Anais Rassat (with VO from David Tennant, aka the 10th Doctor), thousands of people will finally understand Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity (general relativity) for the first time since it’s publication in 1915. [Watch]

Making of Ikea Fly Robot Fly | STASH MAGAZINE

Behind the Scenes of IKEA “Fly Robot Fly”

Watching the disparate and maniacally detailed elements of Encyclopedia Pictura projects come together always makes for wondrous behind the scenes viewing. Witness the childlike assembly of costumes, cranes, sets, matte paintings and CG in this spot for IKEA’s new toy line called “Fly Robot, Fly.” [Watch]


LWZ and Ogris Debris “See The World”

A seamless and mesmerizing scroll of poster-worthy vignettes reveal a complex stream of modern maladies worth multiple viewings in this new animated piece from Vienna design and animation studio LWZ for hometown house/techno stars Ogris Debris. [Watch]

Stay Inspired with STASH 114

If you’ve never experienced The Stash Permanent Collection, now’s the time with a FREE 30-day subscription. Our 114th issue adds another 31 outstanding animation, VFX and motion projects to the planet’s largest online video design library, plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews. [Watch]