Kev Minney Dark Star | STASH MAGAZINE

Kev Minney “Dark Stars” Music Video

UK acoustic guitar virtuoso Kev Minney comes to life as a dreamy rocketman in this animated interpretation of “Dark Stars” by London director, animator and motion designer Rich Hinchcliffe. [Watch]

Harry Baker_Anchor | STASH MAGAZINE

Turning Milk Advertising “Inside Out”

UK mathematician turned champion slam poet Harry Baker provides the word flow behind this otherworldly spot created by Assembly in Auckland for New Zealand diary giant Anchor. [Watch]

Daniel Savage_Marshall McLuhan | STASH MAGAZINE

Marshall McLuhan Nailed this Whole Media Thing

Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan made his observations about electronic media in the ’60s but they seem more prophetic than ever in this short by Brooklyn’s Daniel Savage for The Listening Post, Al Jazeera’s weekly program examining world media. [Watch]

Ubisoft Ghost Recon trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Ghost Recon: Making Evil Look Fabulous

I’m not sure how or why we’re supposed to identify with or even remotely respect this Ghost Recon dude but the lighting, atmosphere, and tattoo design in this new CG trailer sure are sweet. [Watch]


Chanel Episode 18: “Gabrielle, A Rebel at Heart”

French motion designer/director Cyrille Smaha and illustrator Roxane Lagache are back with another stylish and breathless episode in their branded series for Chanel produced by Falabracks in Paris. [Watch]

Beakus Stockler_John Hairy Frog | STASH MAGAZINE

Luiz Stockler Introduces “John the Hairy Frog”

Beakus director/animator Luiz Stockler’s latest personal project features the humble and hand-drawn adventures of John, an auto-tuned hairy frog (aka Trichobatrachus robustus) an amphibian from Central Africa who sleeps with his socks on. [Watch]