MJ Cole Picture in my head | STASH MAGAZINE

M.J. Cole “Pictures In My Head” by Nik Hill

UK motion designer Nik Hill, who’s developed on-screen graphics for feature like “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Blade Runner: 2049,” makes his directorial debut with a splash of 3D maximalism for DJ/producer MJ Cole. [Watch]

NY Times Conception Series | STASH MAGAZINE

The New York Times “Conception” by Hannah Jacobs

British director, animator, and illustrator Hannah Jacobs’ raw and hand-drawn animation style seems particularly appropriate for this heartfelt story of motherhood from the NY Times’ Conception series. [Watch]

Duncan Channon Upwork Hey World | STASH MAGAZINE

Gentleman Scholar for Upwork “Hey World”

Molten animation from Gentleman Scholar and in-your-face scripts from agency Duncan Channon help position Upwork in the exploding market for all manner of freelancers. [Watch]

Nice and Serious_Touch Yourself | STASH MAGAZINE

Nice and Serious Wants You to “Touch Yourself”

Just in time for World Cancer Day on February 4th, Nice and Serious let their illustrative talents hang out in this vibrant mammary-fest – part of their Touch-yourself.com initiative encouraging women to check for signs of breast cancer. [Watch]

CNN Love in Conflict | STASH MAGAZINE

Romain Loubersanes for CNN “Love in Conflict: Nahla’s Letter”

Romain Loubersanes for CNN “Love in Conflict: Nahla’s Letter” [Watch]

Izzy Burton animated short film_Via | STASH MAGAZINE

A Life Marked in Landscapes: Izzy Burton “Via”

Izzy Burton, a concept artist at Blue Zoo Animation in London, captures the wonder and emotion of a poem by UK writer Rachel Cladingbowl with a series of striking environments marking moments in one man’s lifetime. [Watch]