NPR Invisibilia “Alien Hand” by Giant Ant

This curious (true) story of an epileptic woman whose left hand takes on a life of it’s own after her brain surgery was animated by Giant Ant for Invisibilia, NPR’s fusion of storytelling and science. [Watch]

Jesse Collett School of Life Sexual non-liberation | STASH MAGAZINE

Jesse Collett Explores “Sexual Non-Liberation” for the School of Life

Jesse Collett Explores “Sexual Non-Liberation” for the School of Life [Watch]

Animation Workshop_Bacchus | STASH MAGAZINE

A Young Woman Breaks Free of Banality with “Bacchus”

Director Rikke Planeta and a team of her fellow 3rd year students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Denmark capture a young woman’s brief but intense escape from the repetitive emptiness of her daily life. [Watch]

Againstallodds_Intuit Giant Story | STASH MAGAZINE

Againstallodds Directs “A Giant Story” for Intuit

Business and financial software maker Intuit’s first Super Bowl spot was lifted from this four-minute feel-good opus directed by the masters of such things: Passion Animation directors againstallodds. [Watch]

NY Times Conception series | STASH MAGAZINE | STASH MAGAZINE

Jordan Bruner for the NY Times’ Conception Series

Jordan Bruner sets her chapter of the NY Times’ Conception series apart with a deep-toned and fractured treatment of an intimate four-minute story detailing “A Mother’s Decision to Live” despite her severe postpartum depression. [Watch]

Monster TV series title sequence | STASH MAGAZINE

Mill+ Opens “Monster” for Norsk Rikskringkasting

Mill+ design director Adam Parry and The Mill crew orchestrate a swirling, aqueous title sequence for “Monster,” NRK’s seven-episode Nordic-noir mystery/drama/thriller recently acquired by Starz. [Watch]