Tom Rosenthal - Don’t Die Curious | STASH MAGAZINE

Chloe Jackson: Tom Rosenthal “Don’t Die Curious” Music Video

Bristol based motion designer and illustrator Chloe Jackson: “I was asked to create a lyric video for Tom Rosenthal’s wonderful song, ‘Don’t Die Curious.’ [Watch]

MPC Brands the VFX Festival 2018

“Creatively I’ve noticed a lot of title sequences can take themselves very seriously,” says MPC Design CD Antar Walker, “So I wanted to make sure we did something fun and light hearted.” [Watch]

Faming Simulator 19 trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Down on the Farm with Capsule Studio

The uncanny valley got a little smaller this week with the release of a full CGI trailer for Farming Simulator 19 created by Paris photo-real specialists Capsule Studio for Giants Software. [Watch]

Festival Marvin 2018 Diego Huacuja | STASH MAGAZINE

Letting Loose for Festival Marvin 2018

The Festival Marvin in Mexico City slams together a hardcore mix of music, cinema, art, plus stand-up comedy and this promo video by hometown director/animator Diego Huacuja captures the irreverent undercurrent perfectly. [Watch]

Moving Colour “Spread the Love” for Land O’Lakes

Starting with a snappy script from The Martin Agency and crisp illustrations by Patricia Morales, LA animation house Moving Colour craft a clean and clever spot for Land O’Lakes butter. [Watch]

Change makers RNW media | STASH MAGAZINE

The Mission to Empower “Change Makers”

Lisbon creative shops HomemBala and AIM Creative Studios team up to promote the activism of Dutch NGO RNW Media helping young people “who live in fragile or repressive states find the information they need to make informed choices.” [Watch]