Run for the Oceans - Adidas X Parley Golden Wolf Psyop | STASH MAGAZINE

Adidas x Parley “Run for the Oceans”

Psyop director Marco Spier and Golden Wolf CD Ingi Erlingsson lead the combined efforts of both studios in this film for Adidas Parley PureBoost shoes made from waste plastic gathered on beaches and coastal areas before it reaches the ocean. [Watch]

Nexus Wimbledon 150 years Smith & Foulkes animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Smith and Foulkes “Take On History” for Wimbledon

Tour through 150 years of Wimbledon tennis, from 19th century farmer’s field to modern sport spectacle, with Nexus directors Alan Smith and Adam Foulkes swapping seamlessly between animation styles along the way. [Watch]

Vetor Zero Annecy 100 years in 100 seconds animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Annecy Festival “100 Years in 100 Seconds”

Brazilian production powerhouse Lobo/VetorZero pulls together 18 guest artists to celebrate 100 Years of the Annecy Festival in 100 crazed but carefully crafted seconds of animation. [Watch]

Selfridges + Sustainability by Strange Beast

Strange Beast directors Anna Ginsburg and Hannah Jacobs add whimsical hand-drawn life to the voices of Selfridges staff revealing the array of sustainability initiatives underway at the venerable UK department store. [Watch]

Velco Hook & Loop Alexa Sirbu Lukas Vojir animated film | STASH MAGAZINE

VELCRO® “Hook & Loop” by Alexa Sirbu and Lukas Vojir

The last time we saw London 3D artists Alexa Sirbu and Lukas Vojir join forces the result was a splendid personal project called “flow/er.” With “Hook & Loop,” the duo apply their prodigious CG skills to a brand film for VELCRO® brand fasteners. [Watch]

Gatorade Heart of a Lio Gizmo animated film | STASH MAGAZINE

Gatorade “Heart of a Lio” by Gizmo

Lionel Messi’s quest to bring the World Cup home to Argentina continues this summer in Russia and this four-minute tale, lovingly crafted by Gizmo in Buenos Aires, provides a spectacular recap of the man and the challenges he’s faced since childhood. [Watch]