FlippingFilip: Unpleasant Nap 2D animated Game Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE

Flipping Filip Game Trailer “Unpleasant Nap” by Mehdi Alibeygi

Mehdi Alibeygi: “Flipping Filip is a highly stylized 2D puzzle-adventure game by Deedema Games with fully hand-drawn animations. [Watch]


BBC Two: Brand Refresh IDs x 16

UK brand agency Superunion calls on an array of UK and international studios to rebrand BBC Two and reflect the diversity of its programming with 16 broadcast IDs all anchored by the curve of the numeral 2. [Watch]

“Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” Main Titles by Erin Sarofsky

Director/designer Erin Sarofsky in Chicago: We were asked to create a main title creatively reflecting Samantha’s tone, persona, and content. [Watch]

Hell or Habito Andy Baker animated commercial Strange Beast| STASH MAGAZINE

Andy Baker Chooses Between “Hell or Habito”

Considering how often “horror story” and “mortgage application” are uttered in the same breath, this way-over-the-top animated TVC from Strange Beast director Andy Baker seems somehow overdue. [Watch]

SKII Art of Travel Yibi Hu | STASH MAGAZINE

SK-II “Art of Travel” Campaign by Future Power Station

Yibi Hu, CD at London design/animation studio Future Power Station, creates a series of finely detailed animations based on the illustrations of Yuko Shimizu for Proctor and Gamble’s SK-II skincare and beauty line. [Watch]

Zombie Lords “The Flower” by Supamonks

French animation force Supamonks and ULF director Barth Maunoury drop a tour de force of comic timing and character quirks in this new trailer for the online game Zombie Lords.