Google The Gap brand video by Buck | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck Narrows “The Gap” for Google Cloud

Creative director Gareth O’Brien and the Buck crew build a compelling case for the power of Google’s Cloud services by turning a client testimonial and dry facts into an abstracted and surprisingly emotional brand film. [Watch]

You Lovely Lovers short film by JaimeR | STASH MAGAZINE

“You Lovely Lovers” Exposes the True Art of Kissing

New Jersey animator Jaime Rodriguez (aka JaimeR) just unleashed his newest trip to the weird side with this seismic 2D slap to your frontal cortex he describes as “A simple lil toon about two small birds sharing a kiss.” [Watch]

Leuki animated short film by Julien Leconte | STASH MAGAZINE

“Leuki” Animated Short Film by Julien Leconte

French director/animator Julien Leconte updates the classic man-and-his-dog narrative by moving it to a homestead in space, adding a horde of ominous tentacle creatures, then animating it all with heart, humor, and fine attention to craft. [Watch]

La Fine Equipe & Fakear 5th Season music video | STASH MAGAZINE

La Fine Equipe & Fakear “5th Season” Music Video

Director/animators Valère Amirault and Lili Des Bellons shatter the convention of rendering future dystopias in depressing tones in this vivid and dynamic CG sci-fi/fantasy for “5th Season” by French artists La Fine Equipe and Fakear. [Watch]

Caterpillarplasty short film by David Barlow-Krelina | STASH MAGAZINE

The Deformed and Deranged: “Caterpillarplasty” by David Barlow-Krelina

From the NFB: “Fusing elements of Kafka and Kubrick, Caterpillarplasty is a prescient, grotesque CG sci-fi satire that lifts plastic surgery to another level. [Watch]

Born Free Foundation "The Bitter Bond" Zombie Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Born Free Foundation “The Bitter Bond” by Zombie Studio

At least 70% of South Africa’s lions are born in captivity and bred for tourists to hug and take a photo with. When the lions grow too big for cuddles they’re sold to trophy hunters and shot in ‘canned hunting’ facilities. [Watch]