To Abstract short film by Ross McCampbell | STASH MAGAZINE

Ross McCampbell’s Ode to Abstract Art

Animator/artist Ross McCampbell in Brooklyn: “Many people have a hard time appreciating abstract art because they don’t understand what they are looking at. [Watch]

Re-engage "Stella" by Passion Animation | STASH MAGAZINE

Spending Time with “Stella” this Christmas

Passion Animation’s annual animated Christmas card takes on added weight this year doubling as a gentle holiday heart-tugger for UK charity Re-engage and their mission to fight loneliness for people over 75. [Watch]

2019 Golden Pin Design Award Open | STASH MAGAZINE

Bito Opens the 2019 Golden Pin Design Awards

Bito Studio in Taipei, Taiwan uses their opening for the 2019 Golden Pin Design Awards to raise awareness of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and “inspire the design community to take urgent action for sustainability.” [Watch]

Scouting For Girls Let's Not Go Away by Blue Zoo | STASH MAGAZINE

Scouting for Girls “Let’s Not Go Away” by Blue Zoo

This year’s inhouse holiday short from London’s Blue Zoo and first-time director Katie Gascoyne is a sweet and all-too-true film disguised as a video for “Let’s Not Go Away,” the Christmas single from English indie band Scouting for Girls. [Watch]


Random Nasty Weather but a Breezy Commute

Cincinnati agency Empower takes a rap-fueled poke at the downsides of their Big Apple competitors while hawking the many benefits of their hometown in this fun promo from the all-Buenos Aires team of Hola Bosque and 4HUMANS. [Watch]

Ciclope Festival Berlin 2019 titles | STASH MAGAZINE

Coming of Age at the Ciclope Festival Berlin

The 2019 Berlin edition of the CICLOPE Festival opened with Final Frontier and Le Cube’s semi-autobiographical journey back to the 80s and 90s “fondly recalling days in the city, skating, sketching tattoos, and exploring self expression.” [Watch]