Century 21 at 50 by Natalie Labarre and Yves Geleyn | STASH MAGAZINE

Century 21 at 50 by Natalie Labarre and Yves Geleyn

Hornet directors Natalie Labarre and Yves Geleyn help Century 21 celebrate 50 years in the real estate trade with a series of warm-hearted (and in one case, tear-inducing) real-world stories from agents who go above and beyond selling houses. [Watch]

Balenciaga Fall 2021 Campaign Film by Quantic Dream and MPC | STASH MAGAZINE

Balenciaga Fall 2021 Campaign Film by Quantic Dream and MPC

Following up on their striking work for Balenciaga’s Spring 22 Clones Collection, the MPC teams in London and Bangalore draw on a 2010’s videogame aesthetic to build out a melancholy love story set in a VR-obsessed future dystopia. [Watch]

Hembree "Reach Out" Music Video by Igor + Valentine and Carpenter Collective | STASH MAGAZINE

Hembree “Reach Out” Music Video by Igor + Valentine and Carpenter Collective

The Kansas City combo of indie rockers Hembree and design studio Carpenter Collective join forces with the animation talents at Igor + Valentine on a warm and jaunty music video powered by the band’s new track “Reach Out”. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Netflix "These are your Rights" by Buck and Adam Lambert | STASH MAGAZINE

Buck and Adam Lambert Count us Through the Bill of Rights

The 10-episode Netflix series “We the People” makes brilliant use of animation and music in its quest to engage teens in the US civic and political processes. For example, Buck and Adam Lambert counting us through the Bill of Rights. [Watch]

Bela Unclecat, Yulia Drobova | STASH MAGAZINE

Samantha Crain “When We Remain” Music Video by Bela Unclecat and Yulia Drobova

Executive producer Eric Weiner at The Wild Honey Pie in Brooklyn: “We partnered with Kohler to bring you our newest animated video with Choctaw singer/songwriter, poet, producer, and musician Samantha Crain. [Watch]