"One-Eyed Willy" Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro | STASH MAGAZINE

“One-Eyed Willy” Escape Room Trailer by Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro

Director/animators Edu Torres and Diego Cavallaro at two&tall in Barcelona: “The idea was to reinforce the experience for an escape room, through a cinematic trailer/opening of the theme, inspired by Steven Spielberg’s Goonies character One-Eyed Willy. [Watch]

"Miracle Love" Music Video by Zaoeyo | STASH MAGAZINE

“Miracle Love” Music Video by Zaoeyo

After being struck by Riho Makise’s 1993 hit “Miracle Love” online, Chinese visual designer and 3D artist Zaoeyo committed to making a project “based on the song’s mood and seeing how far I could achieve realism in that ‘city pop’ style.” [Watch]

"How Have You Been" by AndyBaker and Polly Nor | STASH MAGAZINE

“How Have You Been?” Short Film by Andy Baker and Polly Nor

In his latest personal short film How Have You Been?, director/animator Andy Baker reteams with London illustrator Polly Nor for a surreal look at “coping with grief, depression, and the mundanity of life in lockdown.” [Watch]

LogoArchive "Play" Exhibition Film by Found | STASH MAGAZINE

LogoArchive “Play” Exhibition Film by Found Studio

From the team at Found Studio in London: “As part of our ongoing relationship with LogoArchive, we collaborated on a film for the launch of their recent zine edition Extra Issue: pLAy, which presents an inquiry into work and play.” [Watch]

Devialet Gemini Earbuds Product Film by Services Généraux | STASH MAGAZINE

Devialet Gemini Earbuds Product Film by Services Généraux

Paris multidisciplinary creative studio Services Généraux makes its Stash debut with this sleek, tactile, and ultimately envy-inducing product film for the innovative Gemini earbuds from French luxury audio brand Devialet. [Watch]

Windows 365 Cloud PC Launch Film and Visual System by Tendril | STASH MAGAZINE

Windows 365 Cloud PC Launch Film by Tendril

From the Tendril team in Toronto: “[We were] invited to create a launch film and flexible visual system to highlight and envision Microsoft’s new Windows 365 Cloud PC platform and its possibilities.” [Watch]