The increasing severity of mental health issues impacting frontline workers snaps into focus in this animated musical production called “The Feelings” directed by Barcelona’s Niceshit thru prodco Jelly for McCann Health London. [Watch]
If you find yourself losing faith in your fellow humans, you need to watch Alisha Liu’s “Everything Must Go” – a short film that gently uncovers the sweeter side of strangers and neighbors through the communal therapy of yard sales. [Watch]
From their animation studios in Atlanta (US), Santiago (Chile), and Montevideo (Uruguay), Elefante “helps underdogs in tech connect with their audience” and to help connect with their own, they just dropped this feel-good self-promo. [Watch]
From the release: Eddy is proud to announce the release of Clément Soulmagnon’s latest film in collaboration with the French sportswear brand Decathlon. To promote their new innovative and inventive products, Clément worked with ORES agency to create this campaign. [Watch]
Online for the first time today, this sweeping historical look at 50 years of UAE history was crafted by veteran Nexus directing duo Smith & Foulkes who found inspiration in traditional Bedouin weaving known as Al Sadu. [Watch]
Staying inspired with the Stash Permanent Collection just got faster, easier, and more affordable. Grab a FREE trial and experience the planet’s only streaming platform for motion design, animation, and VFX. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, Student Work, VFX · Tags Stash