The Stash Permanent Collection, aka the planet’s only streaming platform dedicated to motion design, animation, and VFX, just added another massive chapter of inspiration and behind-the-scenes features with issue 165. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Illustration, Miniatures, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Spec work, Stop Motion, Titles, Typography, VFX · Tags Aardman, ACHT, Antibody, Antoine Bardou Jacquet, Antoni Sendra, Assembly, Aydream, Bolder Creative, CLAN, Digital Kitchen, Ditroit, Division, Dog & Rabbit, Duncan Elms, Elastic, Electric Theatre Collective, FINCH, Futhark Studios, FX Design, Inertia Studios, Landia, ManvsMachine, Mathematic, Method Studios, Michael Fragstein, MonoGrafo, Mrzyk & Moriceau, Parallel Studios, Partizan, Patrick Clair, Pierrick Picaut, Polymath, Reactiv, Someform, Stylo Creative, The Mill, Vitor Cervi, YETI Pictures, Yves Dalbiez
In the first of a series of 10 films for the Alabama non-profit Equal Justice Initiative, CD Chris Carboni and his team at Reunion merge AI into documentary filmmaking to illuminate a heart-wrenching narrative of racial injustice. [Watch]
London studio Dog & Rabbit (aka Andrew Kelleher and Dave Anderson) mix stop-motion, live-action, and AI with traditional and 3D animation in the first episode of their new series of comedy shorts called Baby on Board Safety Car. [Watch]
In this curious and enigmatic video for “Silk Sheets” by DJ/producer Eben Tenner, German director Michael Fragstein tempers the endless possibilities of AI with a carefully curated mix of stop-motion and collage techniques. [Watch]
Director Maria Leon (aka Diederik Jeangout) at Belgian prodco Fledge leverages generative AI to drive home a powerful message from Amsterdam-based marine conservation NGO Plastic Soup Foundation on the problem of nanoplastics now being detected in unborn children. [Watch]
The Stash Permanent Collection, aka the planet’s only streaming platform dedicated to exceptional motion design, animation, and VFX, just added another two hours of inspiration and insight with issue 164. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, AI, Animation, Brand film, Broadcast Design, BTS, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Explainer, Featured, Games, Glitch, Illustration, Motion Design, Music Video, Realtime, Short Films, Stop Motion, Titles, VFX · Tags Alan Williams, BluBlu, César Luton, Chemistry, Clim Studio, Danae Gosset, Ditroit, Duncan Elms, Eddy, Elastic, Filmograph, Final Frontier, Floating Point Art, Found Studio, Hideki Inaba, HouHou, Imaginary Forces, Media.Work, MinimalChat, Panoply, Pencil Studio, Pulla Studio, Rideview, Rocketpanda, Serial Cut, Six N. Five, SOMEI, TACTYC, Tavo Studio, Tektura Studio, Tendril, The Mill, tigrelab, Vadim Epstein, Zeppelin, Zombie Studio