The increasing severity of mental health issues impacting frontline workers snaps into focus in this animated musical production called “The Feelings” directed by Barcelona’s Niceshit thru prodco Jelly for McCann Health London. [Watch]
Thomas Bay at Frame in Copenhagen, Denmark: “Frame has been over the moon (and under the sea) by getting to play around with the feature-rich TAG Heuer Aquaracer Superdiver.” [Watch]
From the release: Eddy is proud to announce the release of Clément Soulmagnon’s latest film in collaboration with the French sportswear brand Decathlon. To promote their new innovative and inventive products, Clément worked with ORES agency to create this campaign. [Watch]
Pasta goes completely galactic in this over-the-top ode to Italy’s finest from French director Philippe André and the VFX crew at Glassworks through Publicis Italy for the launch of Barilla’s Al Bronzo label. [Watch]
Staying inspired with the Stash Permanent Collection just got faster, easier, and more affordable. Grab a FREE trial and experience the planet’s only streaming platform for motion design, animation, and VFX. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, BTS, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games, Motion Design, Music Video, Short Films, Stop Motion, Student Work, VFX · Tags Stash
CDs Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms: “RockFlow aims to help a younger generation break into the world of investing. A rockstar unicorn and a badass ‘corn-i-car’ take you through funky space scenes in retro arcade fashion. What part is your favorite? We’re quite fond of the floating rave bunny.” [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Brand film, Character Animation, The Inbox · Tags Anthem Falls Music, Chris Bartels, Clara Lehmann, Coat of Arms, Jennifer Pague, Jonathan Lacocque, Rockflow