Gimmick Studio demo reel 2023 | STASH MAGAZINE

What’s the Gimmick with Gimmick’s New Reel?

Stash does not publish many demo reels because most do not coalesce into anything more than the sum of their parts: a series of clips and a music track. Working with Quebec music mavens Supersavant, Montreal’s Gimmick Studio achieves a rare thing, a motion design reel that you wish was longer. [Watch]

YETI GoBox product film by PROPER | STASH MAGAZINE

PROPER Beats Up on the GoBox for YETI

The latest collab between Austin studio PROPER and outdoor gear maker YETI is an action-packed full-CG effort showcasing just how everything-proof and virtually indestructible the brand’s GoBox hard case really is. [Watch]

Nike Invincible 3 MediaWork | STASH MAGAZINE

Media.Work Blows Up “Invincible 3” Product Film for Nike

CD Igor Sordokhonov at Media.Work: “Launching the new and revolutionary Invincible 3 running shoes, Nike asked us to imagine ways to describe the model’s innovative cushioning.” [Watch]

Sam Gainsborough Blinkink The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood | STASH MAGAZINE

Sam Gainsborough Animates “Shaping Us” Film for The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood

Blinkink mixed media director Sam Gainsborough’s ample claymation talents are on full display in this new spot for The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood which was founded by Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, in 2021. [Watch]

AMD Together We Advance Scholar | STASH MAGAZINE

Scholar Visualizes the AMD Experience in “Together We Advance” Spot

Merging CG and motion graphics with on-set projections and live-action, Scholar director Chris Finn looks to capture the exhilaration and emotional engagement promised by AMD’s RyzenTM CPU technology. [Watch]

Coca-Cola Lunar New Year 2023 Yves Geleyn Hornet | STASH MAGAZINE

Yves Geleyn Hops Into the Lunar New Year for Coca-Cola

Following up on their 2022 Lunar New Year spot (featured on the cover of Stash 152), director Yves Geleyn and the Hornet crew once again transform the traditional Chinese holiday into a universal family heart-tugger for Coke. [Watch]