Dollar Shave Club Balloon man| STASH MAGAZINE

Meet B.A. Loonman: Shaveophobic

High concept, low budget: a disarming and charming combination of balloon skin and pointy stuff conceived and executed in-house by the Dollar Shave Club with their go-to helmer, LA director/photographer Jeff Minton, in charge.

Grey_Bosch Road Kill | STASH MAGAZINE

All Singing, All Dancing, Zombie Roadkill

Easily the strangest and funniest PSA you will see this year, “Stop The Roadkill” finds Hornet director Peter Sluszka and his six puppeteers trapped in the wilds of Forrest Park, Queens for a three-night shoot on behalf of the Humane Society and German auto parts maker Bosch. [Watch]


Lipton is Cirque du Soleil’s Cup of Tea

Striking new spot for Lipton’s T.O tea machine from Rogue director Saam Farahmand features Cirque du Soleil talent performing all manner of aquatic gyrations while dressed in costumes rigged to release dye and streams of bubbles augmented by a team of 35 VFX artists at The Mill. [Watch]

Moth Collective_Forest 500 | STASH MAGAZINE

Forest 500: Tracking the Deforestation Economy

The bad news: we’re all part of the deforestation economy. The good news: Forest 500 tracks how key companies, investors and governments are performing in the race to remove deforestation from global supply chains. [Watch]

Bleacher Report Schooled by Blackalicious: #SportsAlphabet

Turner Sports’ Bleacher Report leaps from the clutter with their maiden ad campaign, leaving no animation style unexplored in this manic, two-minute character romp created by Gentleman Scholar thru agency barrettSF and powered by a remixed track from CA hip-hop duo Blackalicious. [Watch]

Psyop Stink Otto | STASH MAGAZINE

Psyop Finds the “The Letter” for Otto

Otto, the European online retail behemoth, joins this year’s parade of heart-tugging holiday spots with this wonderfully lit character work from Psyop directors/co-founders Marie Hyon and Marco Spier thru Stink and Berlin agency Heimat. Check the making-of for more from Marie and Marco. [Watch]