Jonathan Gurvit_BGH Chase | STASH MAGAZINE

How You Really Feel About Slow Downloads

The frustration of slow mobile downloads perfectly expressed in three over-the-top metaphor-dramadies courtesy of the all-Buenos Aries team of director Jonathan Gurvit, VFX house La Posta and agency Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi for the BGH G4 LTE smartphone. [Watch]

The Line_Campaign banned in Cannes | STASH MAGAZINE

Have a Look at the Campaign “We Get You” Ads Banned in Cannes

In an attempt to show how misunderstood ad folks are in the real world, Saatchi and Saatchi and Campaign Magazine commissioned London directing collective The Line to create these ads to run on billboards around Cannes during the 2015 Lions Festival. They were banned on day one. [Watch]

Rovio Angry Birds 2 | STASH MAGAZINE

Angry Birds 2: Bigger. Badder. Birdier.

Six years, 13 spinoffs and 1.4 billion downloads later, Rovio and Wieden+Kennedy London launch Angry Birds 2 with a completely mad porcine action/comedy created by Riff Raff director Francois Rousselet and the VFX crew at The Mill. [Watch]

David et Pauline_Jaeger LeCoultre

David & Pauline Roll Back Time for Jaeger-LeCoultre

Ambitious and entertaining brand film for luxury swiss timepiece maker Jaeger-LeCoultre chock full of watch nerd trivia and light-hearted collage work from french creative duo Pauline Schleimer (director/illustrator) and David Després (animator/web developer). Production, music and sound Design by Freestudios in Geneva. [Watch]

Stash 112: Dig Into More Brilliant Motion

A non-stop feast of design, animation and VFX, Stash 112 packs another 31 creatively and technically outstanding video projects into the Stash Permanent Collection along with great behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews with the designers, directors and producers behind the work.

Isaac Holland_Psychotherapy | STASH MAGAZINE

All the Many Reasons You Need Psychotherapy

London freelance director/animator Isaac Holland transforms a rational and carefully constructed mini-essay on the benefits of psychotherapy into an engaging piece of promotional infotainment for The School of Life with the help of engaging characters and whimsical vignettes. [Watch]