giemza_skateistan | STASH MAGAZINE

Skateistan “Her Story”

The Berln-based Polish duo of motion designer Dominik Grejc and art director/illustrator Maria Giemza craft the real-life narrative of a young girl in Kabul whose life turns around thanks to Skateistan, a non-profit using skateboards to connect at-risk youth to education in Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Africa. [Watch]

sgch Josh's Story | STASH MAGAZINE

The Magnificent Itch: SGCH “Joshs’ Story”

Director Stefan Wernik and the crew at Sydney animation studio The Magnificent Itch, aim directly for your tear ducts with this painterly animated film showcasing the true story of a homeless man reconnected with his family and the world thru Australian affordable housing non-profit SGCH. [Watch]

Making of CANAL+ “The Kitchen”

Watch how Paris VFX powerhouse Unit Image, Partizan director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet and agency BETC combine forces for a VFX rampage through a French kitchen to make the case for the quality of TV channels available on Canal+. [Watch]

oddfellows_airbnb Love | STASH MAGAZINE

Oddfellows: Airbnb “Love” and “Hospitality”

The design and animation crew at Oddfellows (San Francisco and Portland, OR) leverage their narrative skills to highlight Airbnb hosts who take hospitality to the next level by investing rental income back into their communities or going above and beyond to ensure their guests’ safety. [Watch]

Manvsmachine_nike airmax | STASH MAGAZINE

ManvsMachine: Nike Air Max 2017

ManvsMachine calls their latest abstract CG opus for Nike “a metaphorical exploration of air and the negative space it occupies.” Has footwear ever felt lighter, cushier, or more comfortable? Probably not. [Watch]

Heimat_otto time |STASH MAGAZINE

Studio AKA: OTTO “Time”

Studio AKA director Marc Craste’s new spot for European online retailer OTTO shakes up this year’s flow of heart-tugging animated holiday spots by combining the mandatory emotional punch with unexpected character design and art direction. [Watch]