Posted on November 11, 2016
So, just how does one promote a spray designed to delay male orgasm during sex? Director Tim Ruffle and the Aardman crew decided the answer lay in wit, wisdom, and cheeky vignettes all rendered in a confectioner’s palette. [Watch]
Posted on November 10, 2016
The team behind the emotional 2015 John Lewis holiday spot “Monty’s Christmas” (Blink director Dougal Wilson, MPC and agency adam&eveDDB) are back and while the tear-jerking factor is lower in “Buster The Boxer,” the story telling and VFX work remain exceptional. [Watch]
Posted on November 8, 2016
The first of the 2016 feel-good CG holiday ads arrives courtesy of Passion directors againstallodds (who warmed a billion hearts last year with Loteria “Justino”) thru UK agency St Luke’s for British online retailer [Watch]
Posted on November 1, 2016
São Paulo designer/illustrator/director João Lavieri unleashes “a collection of weird loops animated without sense” as a promo for the Fair Des.gráfica, a cultural event “focusing on publications and visual experiences that are conspicuous by their daring and experimentation in the field of comics.” [Watch]
Posted on October 31, 2016
Join 35 STYLE FRAMES speakers plus an audience full of designers, directors, animators, ADs, CDs, ACDs, ECDs, producers and EPs, HOPs, VPs, SVPs, VFX artists/supervisors, educators, audio and interactive designers plus VR producers, from all sides of the creative industry. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, Business, CG, Character Animation, Events, Experiential, Feature Film, Featured, Games, Motion Design, VFX · Tags Stash, Style frames
Posted on October 31, 2016
Creative Director Gareth O’Brien and the Buck crew continue to up the bar for explainer videos with this luminous and intricate 60-second spot for western US health insurance company Bridgespan thru Seattle agency Cole & Weber. [Watch]