McDonalds Car Free Day | STASH MAGAZINE

How to Drive-thru McDonalds on World Car Free Day

According to McDonald’s, 70 percent of their U.S. sales come from drive-thru windows. So how does such a vehicle-dependent restaurant go about embracing a pro-green initiative like World Car Free Day? [Watch]


Racing Dragons for EDF via Thierry Poiraud and Mathematic

Director Thierry Poiraud and a massive crew from hot Paris CG/VFX studio Mathematic conjure a fantastical race of flying dragons for French electric utility company EDF thru Havas Paris. [Watch]

Fendi Hypnoshine | STASH MAGAZINE

Ditroit Polishes Hypnoshine for Fendi

It’s no secret Stash editors are big fans of pristinely rendered abstract 3D motion projects like say… this quick burst of whimsical geometry assembled by Milan/London studio Ditroit for Fendi’s Hypnoshine eyewear. [Watch] Opportunity Knocks | STASH MAGAZINE

Monster on a Mission: “Opportunity Roars”

Jerk bosses meet your nemesis, the towering purple-haired monster created by MJZ director Matthijs van Heijningen and The Mill’s New York VFX crew thru agency KBS for [Watch]

Foo Fighters Concrete and Gold | STASH MAGAZINE

Dave Grohl Reveals the Story Behind “Concrete and Gold”

The twisted tale of how the new Foo Fighters album “Concrete and Gold” came to be – as told by Dave Grohl and enhanced by the animation talents at Visual Creatures in LA. [Watch]

Emmanuel LubezkiAbsolute One night | STASH MAGAZINE

Emmanuel Lubezki and Framestore Celebrate Creativity

Emmanuel Lubezki, the only cinematographer to win three consecutive Oscars (Gravity 2013, Birdman 2014, The Revenant 2015) directs a visual stunner for Absolut with Framestore handling post and VFX. [Watch]