Cara Delevingne Chanel Gabrielle | STASH MAGAZine

Chanel “Gabrielle” by ShiShi Yamazaki (Director’s cut)

Japanese artist/director ShiShi Yamazaki brings her hand-painted rotoscope magic to a dynamic new spot for Chanel’s Gabrielle bag starring British model/actress/phenom Cara Delevingne. [Watch]

Makmac Lapsus Festival | STASH MAGAZINE

Cool Promo for Lapsus Music Fest by MakMac

Barcelona design and motion studio Makmac animate a striking and sculptural CG promo for the fifth edition of the Lapsus Festival, an avant-garde electronic music event taking place in their hometown in early April. [Watch]


The Story Behind “The Bear” with SHED

Montreal animation house SHED show off their CG creature craft and obsessive attention to both creative and technical details in this :30 for one of Canada’s national lotteries created through DDB Vancouver. [Watch]

Moving Colour “Spread the Love” for Land O’Lakes

Starting with a snappy script from The Martin Agency and crisp illustrations by Patricia Morales, LA animation house Moving Colour craft a clean and clever spot for Land O’Lakes butter. [Watch]

Change makers RNW media | STASH MAGAZINE

The Mission to Empower “Change Makers”

Lisbon creative shops HomemBala and AIM Creative Studios team up to promote the activism of Dutch NGO RNW Media helping young people “who live in fragile or repressive states find the information they need to make informed choices.” [Watch]

Clash Royale Magic Archer | STASH MAGAZINE

Golden Wolf Intro’s The Magic Archer for Clash Royale

The mysterious master of magical archery is here. Is he a wizard? No one quite knows. Gold Wolf’s latest for Supercell’s Clash Royale! [Watch]