Qualcomm Snapdragon animated commercial by MixCode | STASH MAGAZINE

Mixcode Unleashes for Qualcomm’s Snapdragon

Hot on the heels of their multi-technique work for Gogoro scooters, Taipei studio MixCode zags style-wise to deliver a jolt of hand-drawn dynamics highlighting the benefits of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon mobile game experience. [Watch]

Audible Temptations commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Audible Keeps Screen “Temptations” at Bay

Agile Films director Simon Willows and the London prodco’s animation/VFX sibling Agile Studios help position Audible as the calmer alternative to mindless scrolling in this kinetic :30 thru London agency Fold7. [Watch]

VW Beetle The Last Mile Nexus Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Volkswagen Beetle Travels “The Last Mile”

Director Fx Goby and the Nexus crew in London mark the end of production for the VW Beetle with an emotional multi-generation epic rotoscoped by hand and starring Ferdinand Porsche’s original 1938 design. [Watch]

Staatsloterij New Years Lottery: Freddie the Hedgehog | STASH MAGAZINE

Happy New Year from Freddie the Hedgehog

The Ambassadors’ crew in Amsterdam handled the character design, VFX, post, audio and music in this latest heartwarmer for Staatsloterij, the Netherlands’ largest lottery known for its life-changing New Year’s Eve jackpots. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2019: 3D Style | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2019: 3D Style

The popularity of what we might call CG magic realism continued to expand in 2019 as more creators and clients embraced the power of hyper-real 3D to transport viewers to surreal and abstract worlds with spellbinding clarity. [Watch]


Best of Stash 2019: Brand Films

Longer-form marketing films unhampered by the limits of broadcast TV allow for deeper narratives which in turn often inspire forceful and innovative visuals. Here are eight brand films from 2019 we believe live up to that promise. [Watch]