The Roam, a colorful mini-monolithic portable smart speaker from Sonos, takes on a playful personality capable of enhancing its environment in this new CG film from the design and animation team at FutureDeluxe. [Watch]
Morphine, the motion studio based in Montevideo, Uruguay, which was part of the wonderful “Mate?” collaboration project, just released this luminescent explainer/brand film for Israeli autonomous technology company Seamless Vision. [Watch]
Creative director Nahuel Salcedoat at Onesal in Tokyo: “British luxury fashion brand Mulberry launches the Softie handbag collection. And to reveal the more youthful and pillowy feel side of their new product, BBH Singapore reached out to us to portray an alternative angle.” [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Animation, Brand film, CG, The Inbox · Tags BBH, Damian Sendin, Echoic Audio, Mulberry, Nahuel Salcedo, Onesal, Rob Sundelin
Designer/director Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) in London: “The task was to create a short reveal film for the new Audi E-tron. We wanted to explore what happens in the moment when an object is revealed and how the process of revealing an object can inform the entire aesthetic. [Watch]
Magic: The Gathering card set releases are seismic events in the world of fantasy role-playing games, and this new trailer from CD Tosh Kodama and the Imaginary Forces crew marks the occasion with appropriate drama and gravitas. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, CG, Character Animation, Featured, Games · Tags Antfood, filipe carvalho, Imaginary Forces, Magic: The Gathering, Tosh Kodama, Wizards of the Coast
Director/animators Mariusz Becker and Philip Lück at WOUQ in Germany: “Tylko approached us to help them out with their new social media campaign, focusing on their custom and perfect fitting furniture made just for your personal space.” [Watch]