"Second Earth" Launch Film by Unsaid Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Earth 2 Launch Film by Unsaid Studio

As digital assets continue to gain credence as investments, buying and selling virtual real estate on a 1:1 scale version of the planet was inevitable. In this film, NYC’s Unsaid Studio helps the inhabitants of Earth understand Earth 2. [Watch]

Microsoft Office Social Collaboration Film by Matthias Winckelmann and Helge Kiehl | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Office Social Collaboration Film by Matthias Winckelmann and Helge Kiehl

Creative director/designer Matthias Winckelmann in Berlin: “Together with the team at foam Studio, Helge Kiehl and I created multiple films to introduce new features for Microsoft on social media. [Watch]

Stash 146 video preview video | STASH MAGAZINE
Forward Festival 2021 "Threshold" Trailer by Found Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Forward Festival 2021 “Threshold” Trailer by Found Studio

Clayton Welham, creative director at Found Studio in London: “It was an honor to be invited by Forward to create the main title film for this year’s program of events. The film comes as a direct response to the design festival – what it stands for and what it’s investigating this year, by way of the virtualization and digitization of our lives.” [Watch]

Genoskin CG Explainer by Vasil Hnatiuk | STASH MAGAZINE

Genoskin CG Explainer by Vasil Hnatiuk

Feeling more like exposition from a sci-fi film than a corporate explainer, this pristinely rendered CG film by LA director Vasil Hnatiuk for Boston biotech Genoskin shows how keeping human skin samples alive allows biomedical companies to reduce animal testing. [Watch]

Assos "Not Made. Evolved" (Director's Cut) by Bolder | STASH MAGAZINE

ASSOS “Not Made. Evolved” (Director’s Cut) by Bolder

Director David Farquharson and the crew at UK studio Bolder Creative craft a tactile and dreamlike set of campaign assets to launch new athletic wear for premium cycling apparel maker ASSOS Of Switzerland. [Watch]