"The Revolt" Short Film by Six N. Five | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Revolt” Short Film by Six N. Five

If you find the pretense of impossibly pristine CG architectural visualizations growing a tad thin, you’re going to love the twist in this new film from directors Ezequiel Pini and Sebastian Baptista at Six N. Five in Barcelona. [Watch]

Kettal "Pavilion O" Product Film by Reisinger Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Kettal “Pavilion O” Product Film by Reisinger Studio

Director Andres Reisinger in Barcelona, Spain: “Reisinger Studio was briefed to build a concept and create a film to promote the Pavilion O – a modular and flexible way of dividing offices into zones while offering enclosed workspaces.” [Watch]

"Wedgewood Paeonia Blush" by Gyu Bin Hyun | STASH MAGAZINE

“Wedgwood Paeonia Blush” by Gyu Bin Hyun

South Korean motion designer Gyu Bin Hyun’s new personal project extends a lush tabletop fantasy based on the Paeonia Blush collection by venerable English luxury brand Wedgewood across a series of elegant print, packaging, and digital assets. [Watch]

"Arknights x Rainbow Six: Siege Cinematic" by Shawn Wang and Digital Domain Shanghai | STASH MAGAZINE

“Arknights x Rainbow Six: Siege Cinematic” by Shawn Wang and Digital Domain Shanghai

Animation director Shawn Wang, who first grabbed our attention with his 2016 student film Planet Unknown, leads the Digital Domain Shanghai crew on this dramatic crossbreeding of games Arknights and Rainbow Six: Siege. [Watch]

Hyundai IONIQ5 Launch Films by 2grey | STASH MAGAZINE

Hyundai IONIQ5 Launch Films by 2grey

2grey studio in Seoul, South Korea just swerved onto the Stash radar with a series of tastefully upbeat films highlighting various features of the IONIQ5, Hyundai’s new all-electric compact crossover electric vehicle. [Watch]

Beautiful Outdoor LED Display in Beijing by Radugadesign | STASH MAGAZINE

Radugadesign Creates Fun Food Illusions for LED Display in Beijing

Radugadesign studio in Moscow: “In collaboration with Output platform, we created multimedia LED content with a naked eye 3D effect to display on the Wangfujing public screen in Beijing. [Watch]