The latest gorgeous brand film from Swiss luxury watchmakers Hublot arrives via the prodigious CG talents of Lithuanian studio Korb and acts as both complement and contrast to this recent Hublot work by Frame in Copenhagen. [Watch]
The all-Taiwan team of director/designer Audis Huang and Moonshine Animation hammered away for six weeks on this sleek and sweeping film featured during the launch event for Lenovo’s Legion gaming PCs and laptops. [Watch]
Toiling out of studios in Moscow and London, the team at Media.Work take a break from their commercial assignments to flex their experimental ambitions in this sculptural CG exploration of computing processes. [Watch]
Creature, a tiny motion and archviz studio in Lyon, France leverages their CG talents into a stylish and compelling promotional video for local company Forginal Industrie, a family-owned manufacturer of precision metal forgings. [Watch]
Laundry detergent is not a category often associated with noteworthy design but that prejudice may be changing with this recent work from Buenos Aires motion masters Lumbre and agency 9Rooftops for appliance giant Whirlpool. [Watch]
Category 3D Style, Advertising, Animation, Brand film, CG, Featured, Motion Design · Tags 9Rooftops, Lumbre, Sergio Saleh, Swash, Whirlpool
3D artist/animator Greg Cooper in Melbourne, Australia:”Conceptions is an excursion of the fundamentals that underpin creativity. Three kinetic sculptures represent the development of ideas as they converge from noise to pattern. [Watch]