Patrick-Nugent-Artjail-EP | STASH MAGAZINE

Artjail Welcomes Grammy-Winner Patrick Nugent as EP for LA and NY Studios

From the release:

Boutique VFX studio Artjail continues the development of its core team with the hire of Patrick Nugent as executive producer in its Los Angeles and New York offices.

After an early career freelancing in live action production, Patrick moved to Motion Theory, one of the first mixed media design studios that went on to become Mirada.

Relishing its unique blend of design and VFX, on top of its collaborative opportunities with talented artists and producers, Patrick worked his way up from finishing producer to VFX producer, head of post production, executive producer and general manager. Over the course of those 10 years, Motion Theory solidified its standing as one of the best in class, winning countless design and visual effects awards – including a Grammy for Patrick for producing the music video to Black Eyed Peas’ ‘Boom Boom Pow’.

Spending close to the next decade as executive producer at a52, Patrick helped it grow to be yet more prolific, producing more cutting-edge creative craft with the industry’s top agencies, directors and production companies while raking in awards.

In his latest EP role, alongside helping introduce the West Coast to Artjail LA, Patrick looks to channel the creativity and passion of the New York and Toronto teams into creating yet more of the first class work that has built the studio’s reputation.

Patrick Nugent comments, “Change is great, and Artjail is a breath of fresh air in my professional life as well as in the VFX industry. The first thing that jumped out at me was that I have always admired the work that founder Steve Mottershead and the team have done over many years. Artjail NY has been producing great work for over 15 years. Artjail Toronto opened in 2019. And now it’s LA’s turn!

“When Steve, MD John Skeffington and CDs JD Yepes and Christoph Schröer presented me with the opportunity to help them launch such a well-respected and well-established brand like Artjail into the West Coast market, it was instantly exciting.”

Steve Mottershead, ECD and founding partner, Artjail, adds, “Patrick’s remarkable track record speaks for itself. He has been a driving force at some of the most influential shops in our industry – places I have long admired and drawn inspiration from. It’s an immense honour that he’s chosen to continue his journey here at Artjail. We’ve been intentionally crafting a team that embodies not only exceptional talent but also outstanding character, and Patrick embodies both with unmistakable flair.

“Our vision for Patrick is to elevate Artjail’s narrative and showcase the incredible artists we’ve gathered – and continue to attract – ultimately amplifying the presence of our boutique brand. If you’ve had the fortune of working with Patrick, you know he’s exactly the kind of person you want to have as your storyteller!”