Director Toke Madsen and The Animation Workshop Release “Mano” Short Film
Simmering with understated tension and atmosphere, Toke Madsen’s graduation film demonstrates a mastery of character subtleties and narrative timing while wrapping it all in classical light and impressionist rendering. [Watch]
2,328 Firearms Later Patrick Smith Releases “Gun Shop”
Director/animator Patrick Smith: “This film shows 2,328 firearms, out of the 393 million currently in the US. Arranged in a dizzying 24 frames per second progression, from handguns to semi-automatic assault rifles. [Watch]
Best of Stash 2018: Short Films
The creative challenge and promise of the self-imposed brief makes the short film a treasured opportunity for both professionals taking a break from client work and students trying to launch careers with the perfect graduation project. [Watch]
Are Reformed Zombies Really “Less than Human”?
So, here’s the thing: after the zombie apocalypse ended we exiled the surviving “cured” zombies into quarantine camps. Now some bleeding heart liberals want to re-integrate these creatures back into your neighborhood. [Watch]
That’s Cool: Saving the Rainforest is Not Just for Hippies
Stellar character design and animation in this commercial project assignment produced in 17 weeks by a team of second year animation students at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark for the Danish NGO Verdens Skove (“Forests of the World”). [Watch]