Following their collaboration on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the Sarofsky crew reteam with the Russo brothers to package the directing duo’s Netflix spy thriller The Gray Man in hyper-detailed CG vignettes and bold typography.
Erin Sarofsky: “When Anthony and Joe briefed us for this project, the discussion included the main-on-end, a main title treatment, and typographic locators throughout the film. We were engaged early, which allowed us to do a comprehensive exploration before landing on the final approach.”
Sarofsky CD Duarte Elvas: “The whole team really responded to the style frames we created showing a sculpture of Six in an empty set inspired by the production design deck. Embracing this look allowed us to visually connect the title card shown at the beginning to the main-on-end title sequence; the opening scene transitions into a sculpted world, very similar to the vignettes we recreated at the film’s conclusion.”
Sarofky’s production pipeline for The Gray Man:
• Adobe Premiere for editing through edit lock
• Maxon Cinema 4D to build 3D scenes and animate the camera
• Character heads sculpted with Z-Brush and brought back into C4D
• Rendered in Redshift on the studio’s render farm
• Compositing in After Effects using OpenColorIO to manage color within the ACES workflow
• Final deliverables confirmed in Autodesk Flame
• to manage internal and client notes
Client: AGBO
Film Directors: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
Producers: Jake Aust, Tim Pedegana
Editors: Jeff Groth, Pietro Scalia
Assistant Editors: John To, Jennifer Stellema, Josh Steele
Production Company: Sarofsky
Executive Creative Director: Erin Sarofsky
Executive Producer: Steven Anderson
Creative Director: Duarte Elvas
Producer: Kelsey Hynes
Editor: Tom Pastorelle
Finishing: Cory Davis
Look Development: Juan García Segura, Stefan Draht, Matt Miltonberger
CG Lead: Tyler Scheitlin
CG Artists: Jake Allen, Scott Pellman, Dan Moore, Dan Tiffany
Typography: Cat McCarthy, João Vaz Oliveira
Sculptors: Soumya Verma, R.A. Esnard
Storyboard Artist: Tricia Kleinot