“Black and White Symphony” Titles by Ajiao Weiye and Yeio Yangfei

Director and CG artist Ajiao Weiye: “This is a film I thought about together with my good friend Yeio Yangfei during the Chinese New Year this year. We strive to set up a project on a topic we like every year to relieve the pressure of daily work and fulfill our creative desires.

“Social order is like the ‘soul’ of human beings, wandering in the gray area between black and white. Just like the melody smashed by the beating of black and white piano keys, they are constantly intertwined, and life is dazedly spinning along with it.”

“Maybe I believe more that people are inherently good at the beginning, so I gave the color white to the soul and then dyed the world with different gray scales. Everyone is different from everyone.”

Black and White Symphony Ajiao Weiye Yeio Yangfei | STASH MAGAZINE

Black and White Symphony Ajiao Weiye Yeio Yangfei | STASH MAGAZINE

Black and White Symphony Ajiao Weiye Yeio Yangfei | STASH MAGAZINE

Black and White Symphony Ajiao Weiye Yeio Yangfei | STASH MAGAZINE
Creative director: Ajiao Weiye
Animator: Yeio Yangfei

Toolkit: Cinema 4D, Octane Render, Houdini, After Effects