Not to Scale James To My Surprise | STASH MAGAZINE

James “To My Surprise”

Inspired by anime, propaganda art, the murals of Diego Rivera, and graffiti paintings, Not To Scale director Kris Merc takes on modern cultural excess in the video for “To My Surprise” from veteran Manchester rockers James and asks “what if love was the driving force of our cultures and interactions?”

Not to Scale James To My Surprise | STASH MAGAZINE

Kris Merc: “It’s almost documentation of certain cross roads that we, as a society, find ourselves in; it’s a snapshot of this current time; it’s a cautionary tale that celebrates the human will to strive for better when faced with what seems like insurmountable odds.”

Not to Scale James To My Surprise | STASH MAGAZINE

“The narrative was central to the creative process, informing both the animation and design. Starting from the idea of a powerful female lead, the team fed off the momentum and emotion of “To My Surprise” to bring this dark world to life and to create a story where bright, spiritual, Tantric visuals could then overcome these darker themes.”

Video Commissioner:
Faye Purcell

Video by Not To Scale film studio.

Directed by Kris Merc

Executive Producers:
Eve Strickman
Dan O’Rourke

Katrina Lofaro

Michael Marsicano

Angelica Alzona
Celine Desrumaux
Jordan Bruner
Genae Parks
Kris Merc

Mandala Designers:
Brett Thompson
Alex Mercado

Kris Merc
Lee Gingold

Lee Gingold
Jordan Bruner

Marika Cowen
Tyler Dibiasio
Noella Borie
Mitchell Zemil
Barry Bruner
Alex Krokus
Jordan Bruner
Michael Nappi
Kris Merc