Not to Scale director Peter Baynton takes over the adventures of the Great Western Railway “Famous Five” campaign, capturing the charm of Eileen Soper’s original illustrations with a modern romantic twist and new characters.
Peter Baynton: “I’m super proud of the film. There’s all these different elements that come together and have to integrate to make something that feels cohesive and beautiful. I really like the idea that you could be watching telly and you look up and you find yourself swept along in a little film and by the end of it, you feel a little tingle of romance and excitement.”
“A unique blend of 2D and 3D animation enables the campaign to combine the world-building possibilities of 3D with the nostalgic charm of hand-drawn 2D animation.”
“A unique blend of 2D and 3D animation enables the campaign to combine the world-building possibilities of 3D with the nostalgic charm of hand-drawn 2D animation. An additional animation pass for the character animation added a distinctive black ink-style outline to emphasize the characters’ form and outfit details.”
3D, compositing, edit and color for the spot were handled by the MELT team in Barcelona headed by Javier Verdugo.
Client: Great Western Railway
Agency: adam&eveDDB, adam&evestudios, King Henry Studios
Production: Not To Scale
Director: Peter Baynton
Executive Producer: Dan O’Rourke
Head of Production: Maud Beckers
Producer: Sarah Butterworth
Production Manager: Neama Batichi
Art Director: Bruno Mayor,Adrian Garcia
Artist: Bruno Mayor, Tonet Dura, Po Sing , Mike McCain
Storyboard Artist: Tim Dillnutt
2D Animation: Andy McColl McPherson
2D Animation: Robert Milne, Andrea Minella
Animator: Katherine Spangenberg, Natasha Pollack, Joe Hick, Lisa Sullivan
Artist: Frankie Swann
Character Design: Kristian Antonelli
Cleanup Artist: Margarita Rojas, Eva Marin Tabuenca, Raquel Cruz Hevia
3D/Compositing/Post: MELT
Creative: Javier Verdugo
Head of Production: Olaia Casal
VFX Producer: Rebecca Johnson
CG Artist: Abner Marin, Marco Rossi
Lighting: Kiko Navarro, Borja Alegre, Oriol Domenech
3D Animation: Jordi Girones, Alan Carabantes, Sauce Vilas, Rodrigo Torres, Sergi Mistrali
Compositing: Juan Listello, Alex de la Sotilla, Xevi Polo, Joan Azpeitia, Gloria Bernabeu, Albert Garcia
Colorist: Xavi Santolaya
Editor: Celia Caparros
Post/VFX: Minimo VFX, Huhaa Studios
Music/Sound: 750mph