Savants, the pan-European directing collective who opened the 1.4 Awards in London last year with this piece of whimsy, set a vastly different tone in this elemental brand film for the innovative Milan-based denim label TRC 2038.
Savants (Francesco Castellani, Marco Galmacci, Rocco Pezzella): “TRC 2038 is a brand that embodies sustainability, innovation, and cutting-edge textiles. At the core of their work is mineral denim, crafted using key minerals like basalt, sulfur, and graphene to create durable and high-performance fabrics.
“Our concept was to showcase these minerals and fabrics as artistic installations, blending elegance, style, and innovation. Each scene highlights a mineral, alternating between minimalist interiors inspired by contemporary art and dystopic, surreal outdoor landscapes. The project culminates with the Long Parka, a symbol of the brand’s unique vision.”
Client: TRC 2038
Agency: Blue Collars Srl
Creative team: Giorgio Figini, Ario Lockey, Stefano Teodoro, Mattia Donadi
Production: Savants
Director: Savants
CD/Concept Artist: Francesco Castellani, Marco Galmacci, Rocco Pezzella
3D modeler/Designer: Davide Chiapperini
Product shot: Paolo Grungo
Animator: Davide Chiapperini, Paolo Grungo
Compositor/Grade: Rocco Pezzella, Marco Galmacci
Music/Sound Design: Fabrizio Martini / Rocket Audio