ManVsMachine Helps UNICEF and Crowdfunder “Give The World A Shot”

ManVsMachine’s elite CG skills take a lighter turn for a serious mission in this spot thru Mother London and voiced by British actor David Harewood urging the public to get involved in the UNICEF and Crowdfunder Vaccinaid program.
ManVsMachine Help UNICEF and Crowdfunder "Give The World A Shot" | STASH MAGAZINE

ManVsMachine Help UNICEF and Crowdfunder "Give The World A Shot" | STASH MAGAZINE

ManVsMachine Help UNICEF and Crowdfunder "Give The World A Shot" | STASH MAGAZINE

ManVsMachine Help UNICEF and Crowdfunder "Give The World A Shot" | STASH MAGAZINE

ManVsMachine Help UNICEF and Crowdfunder "Give The World A Shot" | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: UNICEF, Crowdfunder

Agency: Mother

Production: ManVsMachine
Director: ManVsMachine

Sound/post: No.8
Music: Tom Player “Square Groove”
Music Supervisor: David Bass @ Theodore
VO: David Harewood