Undaunted after pitching their animated drama series “AIKO” to reluctant networks around LA, creators Evan Viera and Charley Pope committed to develop this atmospheric proof-of-concept teaser about “a young girl who discovers a well of mystical power within herself that she neither wants nor understands.”
Evan Viera: “The most challenging creative obstacle was figuring out what scenes to include in the teaser. We wrote the season 1 episode outlines way before starting production, and we wanted each scene in the teaser to be an actual moment from the show.
“Finding the right pace, giving the right clues, and teasing at the important secrets were very difficult obstacles to work around. It’s much easier to storyboard from a script. Trying to create momentum, structure, and progression from snapshots taken from 30 pages of outlines is like trying to narrow down a novel to a single paragraph. I storyboarded the project 10 times before arriving at the final result.
Produced at ROYGBIV
Created by Evan Viera and Charley Pope
Director: Evan Viera
Writer: Charley Pope
Executive Producer: Tommy Wooh
Producer: Jeremy Morris
Composer: Austin Wintory
Sound: Owen Granich-Young and Sam Plattner
Supervisor: Jay Jackson | Principal: Charles Badiller and Eva Lusbaronian
Assisting: Felice Wong, Cassandra Larson, Johan Ravit, and Yates Holley (3D)
Design: Evan Viera, Paul Kim, and Tuna Bora
VO: Erin Mulvey
Recording Engineer: Dylan Eiland