5th Edition of the DA Z Festival Takes Over Zurich Oct 31-Nov 10, 2024

DA Z (Digital Arts Zurich) showcases outstanding international artists and up-and-coming talent. The festival offers interactive exhibitions, virtual and mixed reality experiences, audiovisual concerts and the D.A.S.C. Conference.

– The various formats take visitors into virtual worlds and stimulate discussion about the far-reaching social effects of digitalization.
– Artists contributions address global developments such as environmental destruction, growing social polarization and the influence of AI developments on our society.
– At the Museum für Gestaltung and the Schule für Gestaltung, artists present various forms and formats of digital culture in an immersive experience space.

When: Oct 31-Nov 10, 2024
Where: Zurich, Switzerland

View the full program HERE.

Book your tickets HERE.

The AI Factor: Discover The Future Of Creativity
• Moritz Gomm, Founder, Start-Up Coach, and Innovation Consultant, including AI for Good
• Anton Obukhov, Researcher in Computer Vision at ETH Zurich
• Oliver Rust, renowned Photographer and Filmmaker working with AI
• Grit Wolany, Art Director & AI Scout at ZHdK
• Hans Peter Riegel, Founder and Artistic Director of DA Z

Digital Media – Are Profit And Propaganda A Threat To Democracy
• Elle Reeve, award-winning journalist and CNN correspondent
• Martin Andree, media scholar, founder, and author of “Big Tech Must Go”
• Adrienne Fichter, award-winning journalist, social media expert, and author
• Herwig G. Höller, Russia expert & investigative journalist
• Oliver Zihlmann, Co-Head of the Investigative Desk at Tamedia

Digital Arts: Culture Of The Future?
• Prof. Dr. Alexandra Manske, sociologist / lecturer at various universities
• Daniel Haas, media artist
• Ann Demeester, Director of Kunsthaus Zurich
• Anne Vieth, Head of the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection
• Michele Ziegler, Director of NewImages Hub & Festival
• Terra0, artist collective